"The power of Nature" is the title of Modström's latest portrait series, which pays tribute to nature and the energy that arises when you cultivate your passion or hobby in nature. Every season, Modström pays tribute to strong, passionate women and their joy at what they do through the mantra, The Power of Joy. Based on nature and joys, Modström focuses on four cool, women who all cultivate their passion in nature. The women let us - wearing their favorite styles from the latest Modström collection - get close to their passion and training, as well as how nature, brings joy to them.
Laura Petri
Tell us what you like about your passion/hobby?
In general, I am passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. I strive to be the best version of myself, no matter how cliché it may sound. This is why I have found a combination of different types of activities which are enormously fun and motivating for me, and I currently practice both running and cycling. Later in May I will be running my first marathon, which I am really looking forward to. This involves many hours in the running shoes, which can be hard on the body. That's why I prioritize restitution a lot. I am so privileged to live close to Nordhavnen, where I love to go for an early morning swim all year round. At the same time, I am surrounded by the most beautiful nature and green areas, including Fælledparken and Kastellet, which I use for quiet walks in the evening or on weekends. These actions contribute to give me a little extra energy in everyday life.

How do you use nature in Copenhagen and what joy does it give you?
Copenhagen has so much to offer with nature and especially smaller green areas around the center. Amagerfælled is in particular used frequently for morning jogging as well as cycling with friends. As I myself grew up in an area surrounded by nature, I find it enormously liberating to do workouts in these surroundings, which can have a completely destressing effect on body and soul. I therefore take it upon myself to go to these areas, especially during busier periods, to get some fresh air and remain “grounded” in more than one sense. At the same time, nature can make me more aware and grateful for my life and the present.
Where is your favorite spot in nature to cultivate your passion, and why is this your favorite spot?
My favorite place at the moment must be Kastellet in Østerbro. It is a small way away from my apartment, so here I often do morning walks. I love the peaceful atmosphere that you find here, combined with the fine soliders who do their daily rounds on the ramparts. This always makes me think back to my time as a Constable in the Armed Forces, where most of the working time was spent outdoors.
Astrid Tind
Tell us what you like about your passion / hobby
To exercise is my hobby and I love helping others build up healthy habits and share my knowledge about training. I think it's great to train outside, where daylight gives us energy and where you can feel the elements.

How do you use nature in Copenhagen and what joy does it give you?
I use nature in Copenhagen to train in, both myself, but this is also where I have my training teams. Often, when I am in parks around Copenhagen, I look for good training spots with opportunities to hang equipment, space for running and beautiful surroundings. I grew up close to forests and lakes, so I enjoy being able to cycle around Copenhagen and find many of the same qualities from nature here. I also use the nature around the city to enjoy a good cup of coffee and who knows - maybe take a nap on the grass on a hot summer day.
Where is your favorite spot in nature to cultivate your passion, and why is this your favorite spot?
My favorite spot in nature is close to big trees. A large tree is perfect for training. Here you can easily hang equipment up in or tie elastics around and get an ideal workout. In Copenhagen, there are most large coaches in Fælledparken. I think big trees are magical and alive. Think about they have lived so long and experienced so much. It is wonderful to see the transformation that happens every season, when a tree goes from being completely bare, transforming to green leaves and throwing shade around it.
Christina Bragh Lorenzen
Tell us what you like about your passion/hobby?
Cycling is, for me, a free space. When I cycle alone, my thoughts can run free and I often come home with new ideas, from how to solve tasks at work to what I should give my mother for her birthday. I have also had some of my best conversations on a bike. It is a bit like the saying that you have good conversations in a car because you are not sitting opposite each other, but next to each other. The same is true when cycling side by side for many hours.
In addition, cycling also gives me the wildest adrenaline kick. The feeling I have in the seconds after I have run myself completely out into a hard range is one of the coolest feelings in the world. And then you just sleep really well after 3 hours in the saddle with wind and weather in your face.

How do you use nature in Copenhagen and what joy does it give you?
For me, Copenhagen is my way out into nature. I live by the lakes, so I cycle from there and through Copenhagen to get out to long country roads and yellow rapeseed fields, and then I turn my snout home again, to watch the sunset by the lakes on a bench with my friends. Then I do not have to ask for much more.
Where is your favorite spot in nature to cultivate your passion, and why is this your favorite spot?
The great thing about cycling is that you can get far in a short time, which also makes it difficult to get stuck on one favorite spot because you get around so much. However, very few things are better than a coffee stop after lots of miles in the legs, somewhere in the sun, a spring day with newly sprouted trees and flowers.
Karina Wòjcik Otto
Tell us what you like about your passion/hobby?
Freedom is a great personal value to me and running just gives me that. It's a huge feeling of freedom to be able to run fast and far and I feel very empowered when I can do more than I even thought. Running is typically an individual sport, but I use it as a social gathering point on a busy day when I meet my friends from NBRO Running several times a week and run together. We make running to a team sport which is normally not is and help each other get better and pick each other up when needed. There are huge emotions at stake when, for example, you cross the finish line for a marathon together, where you have not only been followed throughout the race, but also in all the training up to, and it just culminates when you managed to reach that goal they have struggled to reach together and have supported each other in the process. It gives me so much energy to keep going and be in shape and feel strong, which also materializes in a general sense of security in being in the world.

How do you use nature in Copenhagen and what joy does it give you?
Although I do many runs together with others, I also do many runs alone with a podcast or good audiobook in my ears. I love to search for the many green areas that are found close to the city of Copenhagen. I love the vibrant city life and all the things that belong to it, like many people and restaurants and walking in it, but I also love that in quite a few kilometers I can get out of the city and feel the great contrast that is in the green areas around the city with tranquility and wildlife and fresh air. It's hugely destressing and it helps me gain perspective when something can seem overwhelming. In nature, you are tiny compared to, and then the challenges you struggle with, also become manageable.
I love to unwind and get a respite from a hectic workday by running out and letting thoughts flow. Often and often, I run a trip after I have been in the office, and then I get good creative ideas and solutions for a task and can go home and transfer my thoughts to become a concrete presentation for example. I think many of my ingenious inventions arose that way. Haha. In the winter it can feel insurmountable to have to go out and run in the cold and dark-ness, but it's fantastic when you get away and the only time, I'm almost outside is without freezing in the winter half of the year. If I did not run, I would probably lock myself up in-side from November to March, and I would see much less nature than what I still see many times a week during running, even though I live in the middle of the city.
Where is your favorite spot in nature to cultivate your passion, and why is this your favorite spot?
I have many favorite places and routes in Copenhagen.
I live in Frederiksberg and my favorite route is to run through Valby and Damhussøen to Utterslev bog. I also love running through Sydhavnstippen and Amager joint, although I can never find my way around out there. For the short, quick morning walks, I take Frederiksberg Garden, Søndermarken or Western Cemetery. When I'm up north with my parents, I run along the water from Gilleleje to Hornbæk - it's really recommendable too!