We celebrate 'The Power of Joy' through a portrait series of six local women and their lives in Amsterdam with each of their own story about what brings them joy. Inspired by the vibrant feeling and hidden spots of Amsterdam, we celebrate individuality and diversity by portraying six strong and stylish women dressed in their favorite Modström outfit, in the place that brings them the most joy.
#modströmxamsterdam #thepowerofjoy #modström
Photo: Jasmijn de Lange / @by.jasmijnlina

Robin Balou
What does joy mean to you?
Joy to me means, being you're complete self without feeling judged. To have the right and freedom to be who you want and wear what you want. Show you're talents, work together and love yourself for being you.
Which place in Amsterdam brings you joy, and why?
Amsterdam for me is the city that's full of creativity and diversity. The colourful and openminded 'Reguliersdwarsstraat' stands as a symbol for this and inspires me on how to dance through life.

Content Creative
What does joy mean to you?
Joy to me has a similar meaning as happiness, energy and positivity.
I am surrounded with beautiful people whenever I go to beautiful places in Amsterdam with my friends and boyfriend. Joy to me, means lauging together and having fun.
Which place in Amsterdam brings you joy, and why?
Lots of places! I have been living in Amsterdam for 3 years now and one of my best friends, Isa Clasener, took me to see so many beautiful places and restaurants. Morgan & Mees is one of them, visiting with our friends and boyfriends. The place has a super nice and cute terrace as well as restaurant, both very cozy. I even celebrated my 21st birthday here with all my loved ones. Fun fact, my parents bought their first large work of art here on that day! I love this place.

Freelance Fashion Stylist
What does joy mean to you?
Thinking about joy is thinking about my family and friends, as well as freedom: deciding for myself what I can and want to do, both private and work related. I get a lot of joy from doing fun things with my family and friends: Having dinner, drinks, playing games or traveling together. The same goes for my work. Because I work as a freelancer, I can determine my own work rhythm and assignments. Being flexible into balancing rest and business (usually the second one applies, haha) and determining which assignments to take on yourself brings me great joy. All of this makes me feel happy and very lucky!
Which place in Amsterdam brings you joy, and why?
Westerpark, for sure! This park felt like my backyard when I still lived in Amsterdam. It still feels like this now, because on the other side of the park I have my office, where I prepare all of my styling jobs. It is a central place where you can withdraw from the bustle of the city and relax for a while. A walk on my own, a run with my boyfriend, a workout with colleagues, a picnic with friends or drinks at the countless restaurants. Thinking about all those moments brings a smile to my face.

Content Creator
What does joy mean to you?
I feel the most alive in the places I like the most, with the people close to me, doing whatever I love whenever I feel like it.
Which place in Amsterdam brings you joy, and why?
It's definitely the Rijksmuseum Gardens for me. It has such class and brings so much happiness when summer is in town and the flowers are in full bloom.

Sales representative for New Market
What does joy mean to you?
Joy means everything to me, especially FUN and HAPPINESS! First of all I am really enjoying life. I think it's key to having a positive attitude, to be open-minded and to think in solutions. My Dutch life hack is: “Het glas is altijd half vol!" meaning: the glass is always half full. Everyone is more beautiful with a smile. For this reason I always try to bring a smile on everyone's face. I like to be with people who have a strong positive energy and mindset. At the end positivity attracts positivity. That's why I love my job as well, building a longterm relationship with customers on a Modström inspiring journey! Also Joy means that you can enjoy small things in life and being happy alone, but also be aware that you're not alone in this crazy big world, because your friends, family and loved ones will always be there for you!
Which place in Amsterdam brings you joy, and why?
One of my favourites spots in my home town Amsterdam is the Noordermarkt. I like to surround myself with inspiring people and places. This place got it all; local people, vintage and new fashion, delicious fresh food, art and unique interior pieces. It's always a nice place just to walk around, meeting friends and getting positive energy. For example get some delicious snacks at Cafe Libertine, find a lucky shot between the vintage clothing, preparing dinner with fresh vegetables from the eco market and drinking a beer in the most iconic typical Amsterdam cafe named, Johnny Jordaan! You'll never get bored:)

What does joy mean to you?
For me joy means being full of life! To be amazed by the beauty of your surroundings, to feel the sunshine on your skin and look at the people and the world around you with new eyes every day. For me creativity is my biggest source of this life energy. I often feel the most joy when I'm surrounded by art, nature and good people or when creating new work in my studio.
Which place in Amsterdam brings you joy, and why?
My studio is my happy place. This is where I feel the most close to my creativity. This is where I can create, explore and play. I love to invite people over, organize workshops or host dinners here. My studio is really an extension of my home. Especially during lockdown this place and creating art kept me sane and happy and this still brings me joy every day.